What is European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI)?


European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI) is a significant event, a stepping-stone, in the development of the elite of the IT industry in Council of Europe member states. It is an individual programming contest for secondary level young programmers of 15,5 years or younger. EJOI follows the rules and standards of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). The first EJOI was held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2017.

The aim and primary purpose of this elite educational event is to encourage the interest of young children in IT and to stimulate competitive software development in Europe as a whole, as well as acknowledge the best young IT talents. With the first European Junior Olympiad in Informatics EJOI, the IT society of the Council of Europe wanted to engage the public attention with the importance of science and technology for a sustainable future of the IT industry and to demonstrate the efforts that all the institutions involved are investing to encourage and support the development of the most successful young talents in the field.

EJOI provides a great opportunity for youngest programmers to demonstrate their abilities in Informatics, to exchange knowledge and to enhance cross-cultural contacts in school education.

The third EJOI will be hosted by Slovenia and around 90 young programmers from 24 countries will compete in the city of Maribor.

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