
eJOI news

Welcome to EJOI 2019

We are honoured to host the EJOI 2019 in Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia.

What is European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI)?

European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI) is a significant event, a stepping-stone, in the development of the elite of the IT industry in Council of Europe member states. It is an individual programming contest for secondary level young programmers of 15,5 years or younger. EJOI follows the rules and standards of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). The first EJOI was held in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2017.

The main organizer of EJOI 2019 is Association for technical culture of Slovenia (ZOTKS)

The main organizer of 3rd European Junior Olympiad in Informatics Science Olympiad - EJOI 2019 in Maribor is Association for technical culture of Slovenia (ZOTKS). It is a non-governmental and non-profit organization with over 70-year-long tradition of working with young adult population in the fields of science and technology. ZOTKS main programme aims to encourage young people to develop their creative and innovative potential, especially in the field of science and technology. Young people are involved in scientific research of technical and natural sciences through various forms of activities, ZOTKS’ team is experienced in addressing and encouraging young people to engage in various activities and provide their innovative proposals of solution to various problems in the society. Every year the above-mentioned activities attract over 60.000 children and young people as well as 5.000 scientists, teachers, tutors, and other experts.

Welcome address by the Minister of education, science and sports

European Junior Olympiad in Informatics taking place in Maribor

EJOI flag arrives in Slovenia

It is our great pleasure to announce that Slovenia will host the 3rd European Junior Olympiad in Informatics EJOI 2019. It will be held in Maribor, between August 23rd and 29th, 2019.